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The Boys & Girls Club of San Fernando Valley is a youth and family-oriented nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the educational, vocational, social, and character developments of boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 17.

Striving to help members and families enhance their lives, we offer programs that build self-esteem, social competencies, and positive values.   Not only do members meet new friends, but they learn and develop new skills that benefit them for a lifetime.

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About Us

Our Mission

To inspire and empower all young people, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens.

Deliver programs and services that are relevant and adequate for the present and future needs of our members and their families.

Maintain staff to deliver quality program services to local youth.

Provide well-maintained facilities to meet the growing needs of members and families

Strengthen the Club's community image through marketing and public relations.

To ensure that the direction of the Club remains on a targeted path towards achieving its mission, the Board of Directors developed the following goals: 

Our Goals

Deliver programs and services that are relevant and adequate for the present and future needs of our members and their families.

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Maintain staff to deliver quality program services to local youth.

Provide well-maintained facilities to meet the growing needs of members and families

Strengthen the Club's community image through marketing and public relations.

Develop and maintain a strong and active Board of Directors and a Resource Development Board committed to the success of the Club.

For over 50 years, the Club has been in the forefront of youth development in the impoverished community of Pacoima, working with young people from disadvantaged economic, social, and family circumstances.  The Boys & Girls Club of San Fernando Valley has actively sought to enrich the lives of girls and boys throughout the San Fernando Valley.  The Club is dedicated to ensuring that our community's disadvantaged youngsters have greater access to quality programs and services that will enhance their lives and shape their futures.


Our longevity in the community is an important characteristic that allows us to have effective programs.  The Club has always been in compliance in meeting funding source requirements, both internally and with grantors; this is reflected in the Club's annual audit.  The Club has generated funding through special events, government grants, and individual and corporate donations.

We have a core of career professionals who are culturally sensitive and trained to provide leadership through informal and formal guidance, using individual and small group experiences.


Our programs operate Monday through Friday, with occasional special activities planned for weekends

and holidays.


Regular after-school Club hours in Spring and Fall are

Monday to Thursday, 3:00 to 7:45 pm

Friday, 2:00 to 6:45 pm.  


We offer programs during Spring Break, Winter Break, and summer. Summer and winter camp programs are available at an additional cost per child. No family in need will be turned away. A limited of scholarships are available. 

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Tour Our Club

The Boys & Girls Club of San Fernando Valley was established in 1966, and has been in its current facility since 1986. We offer an array of unique Club experiences via our new renovated Learning Center, full gymnasium, art room, newly remodeled E-Sports space, refreshed game room, and playground. Our playground was built on March 21, 2009 by 500 community volunteers, and was sponsored by KaBOOM!, Chrysler Financial, Chrysler Foundation, and the Dodge Ram Challenge winner, Robert Nowaczyk. We are currently in the process of revitalizing it.

To schedule a tour, contact us at 818-896-5261.

Our Vision

Provide a world-class Club experience that assures success is within reach of every young person who enters our doors, with all members on track to graduate from high school with a plan for the future, demonstrating good character and citizenship, and living a healthy lifestyle.

Looking To The Future

Our Club is constantly working to improve our facilities and programs to fit the needs of the youth and families we serve in the San Fernando Valley.  


We are currently seeking funds to expand our campus in order to accommodate the growing demands of our services.


Pictured to the right, the proposed expansion is shown in yellow, while the existing building is in grey and white. The outdoor spaces are in green.

If you would like to support our Capital Campaign, please contact Nicole Chase at or 818-896-5261.

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